Join The Global Pro Bono BarMember Benefits Include:
WHY JOIN THE GLOBAL PRO BONO BAR?Early in the history of The Global Pro Bono Bar, practicing lawyers posed one very honest question to us: "Why would I pay annual dues payments just to work the same number of pro bono hours that I can work on my own anyway?" The answer, of course, is that one would not. Over time, however, we have found that those who become members of The Global Pro Bono Bar are generally looking for something more than completing the required number of pro bono hours. Often, they are looking for greater meaning in their professional lives, just as we did in founding The Global Pro Bono Bar. If you decide to apply to become a member of The Global Pro Bono Bar, don't do it because you want to get something for yourself. Rather, do it because you want to be part of a movement to build the living, breathing legal professionalism of the future around greater moral ambition and the exercise of personal conscience. We'd love to have you as a member of our Legal Revolution to Fight Global Injustice. |